Our Mystical Connection: India and Witchcraft
Further your understanding of your connection to these paths by outlining the similarities and commonalities in Eastern spirituality and Western paganism.
You will also receive: EIGHT free books and resources + a resource guide for integrating any customs of interest to your own practice.

To Cast a Circle (BESTSELLER)
You've read the books, you watch the reels, you listen to podcasts, you're getting comfortable with the exciting world of witchcraft... but you just can't seem to start practicing yet. This is the course for you if you are READY to start practicing magic fearlessly!
These teachings come from my own 10+ years of experience, as well as the teachings of my tradition, the eclectic Faery Tradition.

Intro to Intuitive Tarot Reading
In this 90-minute course, I am sharing my wisdom from over a decade of reading tarot. You'll learn how to stop relying on the book that came with your deck and to start trusting your intuition when reading for yourself and others.
Includes a workbook, meditation for connecting to your deck, and further resources.

Deity Work & Astrocartography with Alli Noll
Learn the gods and goddesses you were meant to work with. In this workshop with astrologer Alli Noll, we share astromapping/astrocartography and its connection to the deities that are literally in your star chart!
Includes a workbook, meditation, and further resources.